Many years ago ,I wachted a television program about Swedish food. I think that show may well have been the catalyst for my current obsession with all things Scandinavian. One scene in particular has always stuck in my mind. The host visited a cafe which served all manner of heavenly chocolate concoction, but the one that made my jaw drop, was chocolate soup.
I will say that again,just to help it sink in. Chocolate soup ! Willy wonka himself could not have dreamed up such a treat. My world changed forever.
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It wasn't until i began searching for a recipe for this manna from heaven that I learned that chocolate soup is in fact a thing. A big thing.
There are countless recipes out there. The one I looked at thought, all seemed very heavy and rich. I decided that if I was going to indulge in a bowl full of chocolate, then I wanted to keep it fairly pure ,not over worked with too many ingredients.
Always use the best quality chocolate that you can. I love using Whitaker's 70% dark Ghana. It's the only chocolate that I have found with an upmarket taste for a down market price, and it's readily available at any store
We tend to enjoy our chocolate soup pure and simple, but for a twist you could try steeping a chilli in the soup cooking and remove it before serving. Now that would warm you up on a cold winter's night! Even a few drops of peppermint essence could be fun.
Now ..I have kept you waiting long enough, here is the recipe for my extra special, warm and delicious, chocolate soup!!!!!!!
Our recipe for today is : chocolate soup
The ingredients :
250 g good quality dark chocolate 70%
300 ml pouring cream
1/3 cup caster sugar
1/3 cup low fat milk
1 cinnamon stick
1/2 vanilla pod
Marshmallows and extra chocolate ( grated) for garnish (optional)
Add the milk ,cream and cinnamon stick to heavy based saucepan. Scrape the seed from the vanilla pod into the milk mixture. Stirring constantly, bring to a simmer over a low heat.
Add the chocolate and stir until melted and mixed through. Continue stirring over a low heat until the soup thickens slightly. Remove from the heat and pour into serving bowls.garnish with grated chocsugar and marshmallows.
Tips: if your soup is too thin, add a little cornflour. If it is too thick, add more milk. You may also like to adjust the quality of sugar according to your own taste ..
Enjoy and bon appetit!!!

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