Ravioli (plural form; singular: raviolo) are a type of dumpling composed of a filling sealed between two layers of thin pasta dough. Usually served either in broth or with a pasta sauce, they originated as a traditional food in Italian cuisine. Ravioli are typically square, though other forms are also used, including circular or semi-circular (mezzlune). Other related filled pastas include the ring-shaped tortelinni and the larger tortelloni.
The earliest known mention of ravioli appears in the personal letters of Francesco di Marco Datini, a merchant of Prato in the 14th century.In Venice, the mid-14th-century manuscript Libro per cuoco offers ravioli of green herbs blanched and minced, mixed with beaten egg and fresh cheese, simmered in broth and seasoned with "sweet and strong spices".In Rome, ravioli were already well-known when Bartolomeo Scappi served them with boiled chicken to the papal conclave of 1549.
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Ravioli were already known in 14th century England, appearing in the Anglo-Normanvellum manuscript Forme of Cury under the name of rauioles.Sicilian ravioli and Malta's ravjul may thus be older than North Italian ones Maltese ravjul are stuffed with irkotta, the locally produced sheep's-milk ricotta, or with gbejna, the traditional fresh sheep's-milk cheese.
Ravioli were already known in 14th century England, appearing in the Anglo-Normanvellum manuscript Forme of Cury under the name of rauioles.Sicilian ravioli and Malta's ravjul may thus be older than North Italian ones Maltese ravjul are stuffed with irkotta, the locally produced sheep's-milk ricotta, or with gbejna, the traditional fresh sheep's-milk cheese.
Ravioli are commonly encountered in the cooking of Nice, the broader Côte d'Azur, and the surrounding regions in the south of France. The contents of these vary enormously, but most idiosyncratic to the region is the use of leftover daube meat.Miniaturized ravioli, called "ravioles" locally, are a specialty of the Drôme department in the Rhône-Alpes region, particularly the commune of Romans-sur-Isère; these are frequently served au gratin.
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Our recipe for today is : Almond ravioli
Our recipe for today is : Almond ravioli
The ingreadients:
1 1/2 Lb Almond paste
3 Egg whites
1 1/2 Cups Powdered sugar
1/2 Cup Granulated sugar
1/4 Cup Mini chocolate
3 Egg whites
1 1/2 Cups Powdered sugar
1/2 Cup Granulated sugar
1/4 Cup Mini chocolate
1 Lb Flour "00"
1/2 Lb Crisco or Lard
1 Cup Sugar
1 Bag - Vanillina Pane Degli Angeli or 1 Tsp Vanilla extract
Zest of 1 lemon
3 Eggs
1 Tbs Baking powder
Milk as needed - about 1/4 cup
The directions:
1/2 Lb Crisco or Lard
1 Cup Sugar
1 Bag - Vanillina Pane Degli Angeli or 1 Tsp Vanilla extract
Zest of 1 lemon
3 Eggs
1 Tbs Baking powder
Milk as needed - about 1/4 cup
The directions:
Mix the almond paste, the egg whites and the sugars together.
At the end fold in the chocolate chips.
At the end fold in the chocolate chips.
In a bowl, mix all the dough ingredients and add as much milk as necessary to make the dough soft and elastic. Cover it and let it rest for 30 mins.
Take a small ball of dough the size of a golf ball and roll it in your hand. With your finger, press and indentation into the dough and fill it with the filling. Close cover the filling with the dough on the sides of the ball and roll it again in your hands. Place it on a baking sheet and with the palm of your hand press it down.
Make all your cookies and bake them at 375F for about 10 Min.
Garnish with powdered sugar.
Take a small ball of dough the size of a golf ball and roll it in your hand. With your finger, press and indentation into the dough and fill it with the filling. Close cover the filling with the dough on the sides of the ball and roll it again in your hands. Place it on a baking sheet and with the palm of your hand press it down.
Make all your cookies and bake them at 375F for about 10 Min.
Garnish with powdered sugar.
bon appetit!!!

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