Tomato soup is a soup made with tomatoes as the primary ingredient. it may be served hot or cold in a bowl , and may be made in a variety of ways
it may be smooth in texture, and there ar also recipes which include chunks of tomato, cream and chicken/vegetable stock . Popular toppings for tomato soup include sour cream or croutons . Tomato soup is one of the top confort foods in Poland and the Unites States . it can be made fresh by blanching tamatoes, removing the skins ,then blending into a puree.
the first noted tomato soup was made by Maria Parloa in 1872 , and joseph A.Campell's recipe for condensed tomato soup in 1897 further increased its popularity.

Tomato soup is quintessential American food, ussually eaten with grilled cheese sandwich .
although tomatoes apprently were introduced into Florida in the 1600s ,they made minimal impression on the dietary habits of Americans until two centuries later. the first tomato soup recipes were simply tomatoes added to basic vegetable soups.
by 1840s tomatoes were an important part of most cookery books ,modern cookery, written by the british cookbook author Eliza acton for publication in the United States in 1845 contained several tomato recipes.
Between 1832 when N.M.K. lee's first tomato soup recipe was pulished and in 1841, when lettice bryan's version published the multitude of other vegetable were left out and the purely tomato soup know today emerge.
lettice bryan's Kentucky housewife feature more than twenty tomato recipes, including some for baked, broiled, stewed, fried and pickled tomatoes.
Andrew smith in his the tomato in America started that tomatoes were used in soup at least as early as the mid-eighteenth century in colonial America.
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in 1897s ,john T Dorrance created a process of condensing soup which involved removing half of the water from the soup to creat a thicker consistency.
the first production in 1898 means reducing volume to make it lighter and more transportable , cheaper to can and yet convenient to cook was a new development of a specifically commercial commodity food
our recipe for today is : tomato soup
To a larg pot , add :
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion sliced
pinch of salt
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cook over medium heat until things start to sizzle, and then cover and reduce to low until your onion are soft , stir them around now and then .you dont want to brown them .if that starts to happen .add a little water to the pot .but chances are the steam and condensation will generate enough moisture to prevent them from browning.
While your onions are steaming .gather up:
2 lbs tomatoes
2-3 Cloved garlic sliced
1 tbsp uncooked white rice ( to thick the soup)
Big pinch of salt
A sprig of fresh thyme or basil
1/2 Bay leaf .
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Optional ingreadient:
1 tsp gram masala ( masala would add a rich nice flavour to the soup.)
while your onions continue to simmmer:
wash and core your tomatoes .four clean slices through the tomato
When all the cores have been removed .you will have a heap of tomatoes .
If your onions are nice and soft .slice your garlic and toss it into the pot and cook for a two minutes
Now add tomatoes, salt, bay leaf and your fresh herbs to the pot of onions.
As i mentioned before, the rice does a good job and it keeps the fat and calorie count down a little
cook all of this over medium heat .stirring once in a while until your tomatoes are well cooked and break apart easily
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Now you gonna add :
1cup water
1 more tbsp butter
Another pinch of salt
Cook for a few more minutes to melt the butter and to ensure that your rice is tender.
Take the soup off the heat and remove the bay leaf and herbs.
Puree it to your liking
Blend With a hand held emulsion blender to have a smooth consistency soup
And there you go ..serve for dinner!!!
bon appetit

Raven Cape
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